Source code for dfimagetools.path_filters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Helper for filtering based on a path."""

import re

from dfvfs.helpers import file_system_searcher as dfvfs_file_system_searcher

[docs] class PathFiltersGenerator(object): """Generator of filters based on a path.""" _PARTITION_REGEX = re.compile(r'^p[1-9][0-9]*$')
[docs] def __init__(self, path): """Initializes a path filters generator. Args: path (str): path. Raises: ValueError: if the path is missing. """ # TODO: add option to not look for partition and volume in path # TODO: determine file system path segment separator. super(PathFiltersGenerator, self).__init__() self._partition = None self._path_segments = path.split('/') if self._path_segments and not self._path_segments[0]: self._path_segments.pop(0) if self._path_segments and self._PARTITION_REGEX.match( self._path_segments[0]): self._partition = self._path_segments.pop(0) if not self._path_segments: raise ValueError('Missing path')
@property def partition(self): """Retrieves the partition. Returns: str: partition defined by the path filter or None if not available. """ return self._partition
[docs] def GetFindSpecs(self): """Retrieves find specifications. Yields: dfvfs.FindSpec: file system (dfVFS) find specification. """ yield dfvfs_file_system_searcher.FindSpec(location=self._path_segments)