Source code for dfimagetools.data_stream_writer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Helper to write data streams."""

import os

from dfimagetools import definitions

[docs] class DataStreamWriter(object): """Data stream writer.""" # Class constant that defines the default read buffer size. _READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 16 * 1024 * 1024 _INVALID_PATH_CHARACTERS = [ os.path.sep, '!', '$', '%', '&', '*', '+', ':', ';', '<', '>', '?', '@', '|', '~'] _INVALID_PATH_CHARACTERS.extend(definitions.NON_PRINTABLE_CHARACTERS.keys())
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes a data stream writer.""" super(DataStreamWriter, self).__init__() self._invalid_path_characters = str.maketrans({ value: '_' for value in self._INVALID_PATH_CHARACTERS})
[docs] def GetDisplayPath( self, source_path_segments, source_data_stream_name): """Retrieves a path to display. Args: source_path_segments (list[str]): path segment of the source file. source_data_stream_name (str): name of the data stream of the source file. Returns: str: display path. """ path_segments = [ path_segment.translate( definitions.NON_PRINTABLE_CHARACTER_TRANSLATION_TABLE) for path_segment in source_path_segments] display_path = '/'.join(path_segments) if source_data_stream_name: display_path = ':'.join([display_path, source_data_stream_name]) return display_path
[docs] def GetSanitizedPath( self, source_path_segments, source_data_stream_name, target_path): """Retrieves santized a path. This function replaces non-printable and other invalid path characters with an underscore "_". Args: source_path_segments (list[str]): path segment of the source file. source_data_stream_name (str): name of the data stream of the source file. target_path (str): path of the target directory. Returns: str: sanitized path. """ path_segments = [ path_segment.translate(self._invalid_path_characters) for path_segment in source_path_segments] destination_path = os.path.join(target_path, *path_segments) if source_data_stream_name: source_data_stream_name = source_data_stream_name.translate( self._invalid_path_characters) destination_path = '_'.join([destination_path, source_data_stream_name]) return destination_path
[docs] def WriteDataStream(self, file_entry, data_stream_name, destination_path): """Writes the contents of the source data stream to a destination file. Note that this function will overwrite an existing file. Args: file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): file entry whose content is to be written. data_stream_name (str): name of the data stream whose content is to be written. destination_path (str): path of the destination file. """ source_file_object = file_entry.GetFileObject( data_stream_name=data_stream_name) if source_file_object: with open(destination_path, 'wb') as destination_file_object:, os.SEEK_SET) data = while data: destination_file_object.write(data) data =